Vernon C David
Jul 14, 2023
Imprisoned Absence at Langford and OakShott Rooms, Lincoln College, University of Oxford
A performance of chamber music played by the Ligeti Quartet , composed by Vernon C David with original poetry by Banafshé Larijani .
MARCH 1 – JULY 21, 2024
To Understand a Tree
Gina Siepel
To Understand a Tree is a multi-disciplinary project focussing on the dignity of a living tree, its network of eco-systemic relationships, and the ubiquity of the material of wood in design and daily life. It includes many collaborations and public engagements with artists, ecologists, including composer and cellist
Vernon David

Pictured above: Gina Siepel, To Understand a Tree (Time): One Year, video still composite image, 2020